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Sei Solo - Be Alone 2020

Premiers with the Friendly Support of 

Album released on

Dec 30th, 2022



Aysen Ulucan5 Fragments for vocalizing violinist, by Camilo Mendez and What makes an Ocean by Didem Coşkunseven


Kerem TuncerThe Economic Offering by Mert Moralı and Ephemeral Qualia by Can Bekir Bilir

Muhamedcan Sharipov - non-whispering by Mert Kocadayı and Nearby by Engin Dağlık


Gokhan Bagcı Some Melodies by Can Kazaz and this feeling of déjà vu by Senay Uğurlu

Poyraz Baltacigil - Passage to Ghostland by Idil Ozkan and Anamnesis by Cengiz Hakkı Eren

Dorukhan Doruk - Latent by Aida Shirazi and galanterie redux Alican Çamcı

Sei Solo- Be Alone 2020;

12 new solo compositions from the KK Composers Cauldron

6 for violin and 6 for cello

Klasik Keyifler (KK) an NGO supporting young classical performers and composers, is directing some of their Cappadocia Music Festival funds toward the creation of 12 new solo compositions- a set of 6 violin pieces and set of 6 cello pieces.

The project Sei Solo 2020 takes its name from Bach’s hand-written title page to the solo works for violin dated 1720. This monumental set of 6 works Sei Solo Violino senza Basso accompagnato appears to refer to the number 6, but the correct Italian grammar for 6 works would be Sei Soli. In Italian Sei Solo actually means “You are alone” and in German it can take a meaning of “Be alone”.  Bach was known to make frequent use of puzzles throughout his lifetime, and considering that he lost his 1st wife (and mother of his first 7 children) in 1720, it is possible that he could have meant to indicate double meanings in his title for these extraordinarily personal compositions. Since the manuscripts for the 6 solo cello works have not been found it is impossible to know the dates, but they were likely composed around a similar period during his tenure at the secular court in Cothen.

When the Covid pandemic hit in March 2020, KK was in the midst of planning a celebration of their 10th summer music festival in Cappadocia and expecting to include the 300-year commemoration of these Bach works. This concept of ‘Be Alone’ took on a new meaning when performance life came to a sudden stop. As an NGO dedicated to developing performance projects, KK could recognize the urgent need to support young musicians both economically and creatively.  KK has been organizing workshops for composers and performers for many years in Cappadocia and has established itself as a main summer institute for chamber music and new music in Turkey. With this experience and history in mind, KK selected 12 composers from past Cappadocia Festival workshops (Composers Cauldron) and commissioned them to write 5-7 minute solo works each that were inspired by the Bach solo works and by these occasions. These composers were paired to collaborate with 6 of Turkey’s top young performers that have also also been part of KK in past years.  These 18 participants have been associated with many important institutions worldwide including Mozarteum, Harvard, Stanford, Berkely, Berklee, Cornell, University of Chicago, Barenboim Institute, İTÜ-MİAM, Bilkent, Bilgi, Mimar Sİnan and Bosphorus University.

As the conditions and spread of Covid 19 do not operate on a calendar, performance dates and details cannot be confirmed yet, but the collaborative process between composer and performer is the essential activity.   Because concert life is significantly altered and will remain so until the Covid is completely under control, many musicians are challenged to ‘ Be Alone’. But KK operates on the belief that work with living composers is vital to a creative performance life, and is committed to making sure the dialogue can continue between the creator and the communicator.

This project was conceived by Klasik Keyifler’s founder Ellen Jewett, along with the consultation of Bilkent University professor and composer, Onur Turkmen. The final phase of the project will include a CD recording, thanks to the generous support of Ada Music in Istanbul  (Recording Company) and İklim Tamkan. This project is  partially financed by CME (Chamber Music Exchange; A US-based non profit organisation with 501c3 status) Special support was given by the Engle's Family Foundation.and the organisation and visuals are provided by Üçhan Art Production.

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Project developer



Artistic Director







Visual Design


Recording and Production


Thanks to the generosity of our supporters

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Click above for Dilara Pala's

report from the recording sessions

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